
Susan Sontag (1964):

I valued professional competence + force, think (since age four?) that that was, at least, more attainable than being lovable as "just as a person."

Who we are, what we do, what we do that can be exchanged for money, what currency

what currency we exchange for being, for living, for the time of our lives


Valerie Solanas (1967):

Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex.


Diane di Prima (1957):

Song for Baby-o, Unborn

when you break thru
you'll find
a poet here
not quite what one would choose. 

I won't promise 
you'll never go hungry
or that you won't be sad
on this gutted
but I can show you
enough to love
to break your heart


This morning it is as if the cold has silenced everything. Thin layers of ice forming along the seams of the windows. Not a sound. Not even the vibratory hum of the home’s hidden machinery. The sounds my own body makes, its small movements.

I spent yesterday trying to find the right metaphors to visualize planning strategies, to represent them in as simple and convincing a way as possible. I have ten minutes and a few slides to convey confidence (but also openness and flexibility), expertise (but also humility and deference), and progress (but also collaboration and inclusivity).

"Shore up the foundation"

"Enlarge the tent"

"Amplify the core"

Do not misunderstand: I love what I do, its puzzling, infuriating contradictions, its unsolvable dilemmas, its gross inadequacies. Its incommensurability.

This is only to say: More

This is only to say: Yes

This is only to say: As much and for as long as I am able


in memory

