Selected Recent Publications

  • Fin de Siècle

    Back in the 90s if you could tie
    a cherry stem in your mouth it meant
    you were good with your tongue
    and everyone wanted a piece of that

    — Oversound, Issue Seven (2021)

  • Ahead, the formless field

    Come famished to the bitter table.
    Come late and take all we made.

    Tupelo Quarterly, Issue 22 (2020)

  • Selfie Series (American Midlife Crisis)

    Cried every day, logged it:
    Here, in the grocery store checkout line.
    Here, driving past the fire station.
    Here, in my office parking lot.

    Quarterly West, Issue 104 (2020)

  • Long Point Eagle Point Cottonwood

    The lake is dark and murky. We sit on the wooden pier and let our legs hang over the edge.

    The Texas Review, All-Essay Issue (2020)

  • Hybridity as Feminist Practice

    Hypothesis: Hybridity is a formal response to the threat of annihilation—as in erasure, silencing, abnegation.

    Matters of Feminist Practice, A Journal of Literary Criticism (2020)

  • American Name

    when i / make a sound do i / make it in an a / merican way / ? /

    Denver Quarterly (2020)

  • In the Permanent Collection

    Fig. 247.3 Child reaches out for
    Fig. 247.4 Bewildered woman shakes
    the child off
    Fig. 247.5 Child screaming
    [screaming continues]

    Conjunctions (2019)

  • Open Wounds: Poetics of Personal History

    I was sitting cross-legged on the carpeted floor. He was sitting on a low stool picking at his guitar. Then he put it down. Got up and closed the door.

    I remember the door clicking shut. The sudden stillness in the room.

    Notre Dame Review, Issue 48 (2019)

  • Two Poems (from The Fish & The Dove)

    What is history if not the breath
    of the damned rising up?

    Hyperallergic (2019)

  • Language Makes and Unmakes Us

    I decide to study Korean and so I spent a series of Saturday afternoons in a cramped classroom fifty miles from home.

    Essay Daily (2018)

  • Introduction, Give & Take

    The idea of give and take emphasizes transfer and transformation, thus animating the space between things – object and object, person and object, person and person, person and planet, and so on.

    Manual Issue 8, RISD Museum (2017)

  • Three Poems

    I have said terrible
    things and I have
    meant them

    Two Serious Ladies (2014)

  • Empire Falls

    I must admit that none of this thrills me.

    Wigleaf (2013)


The Fish & The Dove


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